Roosendaal Event




We are living in an era of transition(s). Concerns about the disastrous effects of climate change are widely acknowledged. Worldwide we can see the examples and results. Effects caused in part by industries like the energy sector, chemical sector and logistical sector. A redesign of these industries is needed. New paradigms for transport and connectivity are central to this.


In 2015, the United Nations (UN) agreed to the ‘Sustainable Development Goals’ (SDGs) to urgently take on the challenges now facing humankind; making counter action ever more urgent. As an answer to these sustainability goals (for example on infrastructure, urban development, production processes, climate change and partnerships), a new economy is surfacing based on circularity and sharing. The basis for this lies in an intensive collaboration to come to symbiosis in both circular value chains as well as between those value chains. To achieve this, many and often diverse stakeholders, need to be literally and figuratively connected.


The world of logistics currently depends on five modes of transport: road, rail, water, air and pipelines. The first four are being used to capacity; the fifth, pipes or tubes, a lot less. Given the capacity constraints, the other modes are facing this seems quite remarkable given the high performance of pipelines when it comes to environmental aspects, safety and continuity.


This leads to the question if new applications (such as parcel and palleted goods) and new governance, business and investment models are required for pipeline transport for the different links of the logistical chain, and from port to city!


Join the debate we are organising on the future of the transport system. The project being designed in Switzerland 'Cargo sous terrain' will be explained in detail by Yvette Körber of Amberg Loglay, one of the initiators of this project, and will certainly provide inspiration for those working in the Netherlands and Flanders!


15.00 hours: Doors open

15.30 hours: Welcome by a representative of the Municipality of Roosendaal

15.45 hours: The ‘Sense-of-Urgency’ - Sustainable Development Goals

16.10 hours: Case Cargo sous terrain – introduction and debate on this Swiss case

17.15 hours: Port Panel: ‘How is the port community looking to the future and what is the place of pipelines in all this?

17.45 hours: Last Mile Panel: ‘How do city stakeholders look at the future and is there a place for underground transport in this?

18.15 hours: What lessons can we take from the Swiss case, the debate and the panels and how to follow this through?

18.30 hours: Call to action to work together on this followed by networking during drinks and food


Register for this event using the 'register' button above.

Datum: 7 June 2018

Locatie: The Netherlands, Roosendaal, Innovita Park

Tiijd: 15:00 – 20:30 hours





The transition to a sustainable future can only come about if we are prepared to continue exploring. A key feature of a transition is uncertainty and letting go of contemporary practices. Through exploring together we want to discover what this new future brings and what it means for connectivity. A new challenge brought about by new paradigms.