FPTI is looking to stimulate initiatives with a new approach: private initiatives which are for the most privately financed. FPTI uses the Swiss experience with the Cargo sous terrain project for this purpose.
FPTI is a joint venture of four entrepreneurs: Han Admiraal, Bart Vannieuwenhuyse, Dries van Gemert en Stan Koevoets. With years of specific experience between them to show, they share a passion for future-proof transport. For them, it is not about substituting contemporary solutions, but instead supplementing them with future-proof initiatives. The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and the transition this asks of industry and society, form a leading principle for FPTI.
FPTI connects parties that see a mutual opportunity. We start with a promising idea and start the journey together from there.
FPTI guides and directs the process to come from idea to concept based on mutual consent and ownership.
FPTI assists with bringing the concept to full implementation and creating a future-proof solution.
On 7 February 2019, we are organising a unique event for you to think with us about future-proof transport
In the coming months, FPTI will be developing more initiatives in the field of future-proof transport. Wowing and connecting are keywords for us. Initiating networks of entrepreneurs, government and academics that share this passion and who want to act now. We feel citizens should have their say as well. FPTI will also involve young professionals as they own the future. From this quadruple helix, we will be shaping and pursuing our initiatives.
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Marshalllaan 2
2625 GZ Delft
The Netherlands